Take Regular Breaks
Regular breaks away from the desk and computer are important for keeping your productivity, mental well-being, and overall work performance at the required level.
Track how much time you spend on tasks
Tracking time spent on different tasks will help you plan and manage your time better. Try to get the longer, more grueling tasks out the way first!
Set personal deadlines
This allows us to hold ourselves accountable. Accountability is so important when it comes to work performance and getting things done.Meeting your personal deadlines will also set a good example for your employees and colleagues.
Quit multitasking
Multitasking might feel like a good way to get multiple things done. But it is incredibly demotivating when you haven’t been able to tick a single thing off of your list because you have done a little bit of everything. When we focus our attention on one thing at a time, we learn more, perform better, and feel more accomplished when it is completed.
Utilize your commute
If public transport is your means of getting to work, there is no harm in planning your day ahead, answering some emails, or making a few calls during your commute. This is not possible for those who are driving to work, but it is a great time to catch up on the news, audiobooks, or podcasts. Try carpooling with a colleague with who you regularly need to have work-related discussions, this will save time at the office!
Work in 90-minute intervals
90-minutes can seem like a lifetime when we are working on certain tasks. Try and get up from your desk and away from the screens at least every 90 minutes. Go outside for a short walk or have a healthy snack before beginning to work again.